Using MacWire DI in an existing Play! Framework 2.3 application

Thomas Toye
Thomas Toye
Published in
4 min readMay 8, 2015


I wanted to convert a project of mine to use dependency injection in Play, and I settled on MacWire. I will confess that I don’t have a lot of experience with DI, and that it wasn’t easy to wrap my head around at first.

The final product

Getting started

Add the MacWire dependency

In your build.sbt, add the following dependency:

"com.softwaremill.macwire" %% "macros" % "1.0.1"

Make controllers classes and pass dependencies as constructor parameters

Your controllers probably look a little like this:

package controllersimport models.json.AnimatorJson.animatorWrites
import models.repository.AnimatorRepository
import play.api.db.slick.DBAction
import play.api.libs.json.Json
import play.api.mvc._
object ApiAnimators extends Controller {
val animatorRepo = new AnimatorRepository
def allAnimators = DBAction { implicit req =>
def animatorById(id: Long) = DBAction { implicit req =>
animatorRepo.findById(id)(req.dbSession).fold(BadRequest()) { animator =>

Not a whole lot to see here: controllers are objects that extend from Controller and are in the controllers package. We can see a dependency here: AnimatorRepository. We want to make this dependency explicit. The way we do that is by passing in through the constructor. Since objects have no constructor, we make the controller a class instead:

class ApiAnimators(animatorRepo: AnimatorRepository) extends Controller {
def allAnimators = DBAction { implicit req =>
def animatorById(id: Long) = DBAction { implicit req =>
animatorRepo.findById(id)(req.dbSession).fold(BadRequest()) { animator =>

Wire up

Create an object Application in the root package. This is where we’ll wire up our dependencies.

import com.softwaremill.macwire._
import models.repository.ChildRepository
import controllers.ApiChildren
object Application {
lazy val animatorRepo = wire[AnimatorRepository]
lazy val animatorController = wire[ApiAnimators]

Update your Global object

If you don’t have one yet, create a Global object in the package root. Extend GlobalSettings with Macwire:

import play.api._
import com.softwaremill.macwire.{InstanceLookup, Macwire}
object Global extends GlobalSettings with Macwire {
val wired = wiredInModule(Application)
override def getControllerInstance[A](controllerClass: Class[A]) = wired.lookupSingleOrThrow(controllerClass)

Update your routes

One more thing before our code will compile: updating our routes. It’s only a small change though: adding an @ sign before the controllers that are now instantiated through MacWire:

# Before
GET /api/animator/all controllers.ApiAnimators.allAnimators
GET /api/animator/:id controllers.ApiAnimators.animatorById(id: Long)
# After ---v---
GET /api/animator/all @controllers.ApiAnimators.allAnimators
GET /api/animator/:id @controllers.ApiAnimators.animatorById(id: Long)

Your application should now compile and run fine!


Now that we pass an explicit AnimatorRepository into the controller, we’ll have an easier time testing.

Extract an interface out of what you want to test

Before we can jump into testing, we need to extract an interface so they can be easily mocked and stubbed. It’s not really necessary for what we’re going to do in the next section, but you will need this if you have a services layer.

In IntelliJ IDEA, you can go to the class (AnimatorRepository) and extract and interface out of it (Right-click > Refactor > Extract > Trait…).

The trait I use as an interface now looks like this:

import models.Animator
import play.api.db.slick.Config.driver.simple._
trait AnimatorRepository {
def findById(id: Long)(implicit s: Session): Option[Animator]
def findAll(implicit s: Session): List[Animator]
def insert(animator: Animator)(implicit s: Session): Unit
def count(implicit s: Session): Int
def update(animator: Animator)(implicit s: Session): Unit

Notice the name. The implementation will be renamed to SlickAnimaterRepository. Don’t forget to update your wiring in your Application.scala, while the controllers get passed in the trait (yay polymorphism).

Side note: there’s a bit of code smell here: the explicit Slick Session. I might fix this later, but since the implementation overrides these methods, it needs the same method signatures.

Implementation of the trait:

class SlickAnimatorRepository extends AnimatorRepository {
val animators = TableQuery[AnimatorTable]
override def findById(id: Long)(implicit s: Session): Option[Animator] = animators.filter( === id).firstOption override def findAll(implicit s: Session): List[Animator] = animators.list override def insert(animator: Animator)(implicit s: Session): Unit = animators.insert(animator) override def count(implicit s: Session): Int = override def update(animator: Animator)(implicit s: Session): Unit = ??? // omitted


Now we can write some tests! First, the setup:

import java.time.LocalDateimport controllers.ApiAnimators
import models.Animator
import models.repository.AnimatorRepository
import models.json.AnimatorJson.animatorReads
import org.junit.runner._
import org.specs2.mock._
import org.specs2.runner._
import play.api.test._
class AnimatorControllerTest extends PlaySpecification with Mockito {
// test methods go here

Here, we’re using specs2 and Mockito. Let’s see how we’ll write our test methods:

"Requesting an all animators" should {
"Return a correct response" in new WithApplication {
val mockedRepo = mock[AnimatorRepository]
mockedRepo.findAll(org.mockito.Matchers.any()) returns List(exampleAnimator)
val animatorController = new ApiAnimators(mockedRepo) val result = animatorController.allAnimators.apply(FakeRequest()) status(result) must be equalTo OK
contentType(result).map { res => res must be equalTo "application/json" }
val validated = contentAsJson(result).validate[Seq[Animator]]
validated.isSuccess must beTrue
validated.get must be equalTo Seq(exampleAnimator)

What’s going on here?

  • Notice the WithApplication: our controllers needs a running Application or it will burn up at runtime with a There is no started application message
  • We mock the repository using mock[AnimatorRepository]. Then we stub a call to findAll with a list with a single example
  • The stub will catch all calls, thanks to the Matchers.any(). You can read more about mocking and stubbing with Mockito here.
  • Then we get to our assertions: we check the status and content type that is returned. You can find these in play.api.test.ResultExtractors.
  • As the last assert, we read the JSON and try to parse it, then check if it equals what we originally passed in.

That concludes this blog post on using MacWire DI with Play. I hope it helped you to write better code!


